Body Filler

Full Course Information
This course takes dermal fillers, which are traditionally used in the face, and applies them to other areas of the body, more specifically the buttocks and ‘hip dips’. These procedures are becoming more and more popular in the world of aesthetics, and are the perfect addition to your portfolio of procedures in order to grow your client base.
Doctors, Surgeons, Dentists, Registered Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists, Physician Associates, Dental
Hygienist’s, Dental Therapists and Paramedics.
Non-medics will be required to be highly experienced in dermal filler..
Course Content:
• Administering filler to the body
• Administering lidocaine
• Anatomy of the buttocks and hip dips
• Client consultation and assessment
• Health and safety
Body Filler
- Location:
- Duration :
- Cost: